Happy 2009!!!!
We were both happy and sad that we missed the Big Chill that hit the Northwest while we were in Texas. We were so happy that we got to see snow when we did get back. It snowed on Emma's 3rd birthday and she loved it. It was an awesome birthday present.
Texas was great. It was warm and toast just like we remembered. This is my favorite picture from the holidays in Texas
Only in Texas!!!!
Things are well. We had a great holiday with both families. Emma had a great birthday party with our family. This was the first birthday and Christmas we spent with our families since Emma was born. We are so blessed. Emma and her cousin Faith had the best time. They both got laptops for Christmas so we soon had a new event called "Dueling Laptops"
I was also blessed to catch up face to face with my long lost elementary friend Bethany. Her and her husband were just dolls. We had such a great lunch and I was happy for them both to meet James and Emma. I hope we get to see each other again soon. Maybe I can convince them to visit Seattle!!!!
A picture of my little rock star
We are preparing for an exciting 2009. I am holding out for the right job prospect but having a great time with Emma home a few days a week. I love being a housewife. Maybe I have found my calling. Last but not least Emma singing her Christmas songs!!!!!